Wait time and Expectations:
Depending on the severity and condition of your pet, you may spend a considerable amount of time waiting. We take care of life-threatening conditions and many other urgent issues first. Please be kind and courteous to our staff and other people while you are waiting to be seen.
While the clinic is busy, we recommend that you bring phone chargers, snacks, books, games and other such means of distraction and comfort. If you are waiting for your pet to be seen, that is a good sign. It may indicate that your pets condition is not reflective of a situation in need of immediate care. There may be others in that situation around you.
If possible, make an appointment with your family vet for non-urgent care. See our Resources page for links to all other veterinary clinics in the area.
Thank you for your patience. We appreciate everyone who offers us understanding and kindness while we work to help you and your family.